Become a member of GPU

Signup for your GPU PHOTO membership here!

Select Your Payment Cycle
Select Your Payment Cycle
Each member owns the copyright of the submitted details and images. The entrant certifies the work as his own. The entrant permits the GPU to reproduce the entered material free of charge for promotional purposes related to the GPU, like the catalogues, newsletters, photo exhibitions, photo books and magazines, unless specifically stated otherwise by the entrant on the registration form.
    Strength: Very Weak
    Profile details
    Please do not include GPU distinctions!
    A profile image is needed to issue your membership card. Please upload a close-up profile photo in JPG format, with a maximum file size of 2MB.
    How would you like to pay?
    If you prefer to pay later with PayPal or direct bank transfer, this is the best option for you.

    After completing your registration, you will be redirected to your profile page, where you will find all the necessary links and information to complete your payment and profile.
    By cash to a representative
    How you want to pay?
    under 21 years old?
    Payment Summary

    Your currently selected plan : , Plan Amount :
    Final Payable Amount: